Case study
Translation of the Marketing Strategy into digital assets.


There’re myriad products in the market that can help to enhance a meal. Unilever wants Knorr to be the first choice (top of mind) when people prepare every day meal for their family.

Everyone is busy. From time immemorial, men mainly work. But things have changed: women access to higher level of education and play a major role in the society. It’s no longer an exception and it almost becomes the rule. So women get better jobs with higher responsibilities and the implication is, the amount of available time becomes shorter. As Moms, they have to not only care for their career, but also still have to take care of the house stuff, their children and all the dishes for their family as well. In this context, how Knorr products can play a significant role and help TA’s in their daily life?

Creative Solution

It’s all about starting from how people live and how gently to integrate the product into the audience’s life, adding values. So homework and research have been done. We focused on the top 10 meals Vietnamese people use to cook at home. Based on it, we created a staged content in order to deliver our message. Through video posted on social platforms, Moms save time by learning how to enhance their dishes, using Knorr products. By this way, it’s a win-win approach (both consumer and brand sides). It was the job.

Sketch and end result

the Untold Story behind the job

But there were another underlying job that needed to be done.
In order to post those content on social platforms, the time frame was very short, very very short. So we had to find a solution in order to optimize the workflow, so the posts can be on air on time (the media booking agency do not wait for you being ready).

So, instead of the conventional working process which consists of, Creative team brainstorming on their own side, then spending time visualizing the content and sending it to the client (hoping) for approval. We decided to adopt a different approach. Creative team and I brainstormed, then I sketched the direction and the Client-Service sent it to the client. By this way, it’s no longer a linear process, but a circular one: everyone focusing on the idea, including the Client as the key decision maker in the process. At first glance, it seems to be a waste of time. It turns out, we all worked faster and better. We saved time by only visualizing and bringing to life the ideas that client approved. It brought peace to the Production team (and in fact to everyone).

Behind the scene

Knorr Vietnam Behind the scene.jpg


from that experience

Of course, as a Creative, the job is to find stories about how to deliver the message. But sometimes, the strategic creative solution doesn’t only lie in the job itself, but in the working process. In this case, the real challenge (root issue) was about to find a solution about the short time frame issue. Because at the end of the day, being creative is all about problem solving.

Agency: Mullen Lowe
Creative Director: Livio Grossi
Creative (freelancer): mynkao
Graphic Designer
& Copywriter: TBU

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