tip 03


Working on a campaign without data, it's like walking in the street an being blind. In a perfect world, when we work on a campaign, we get data from the planning team or from a social listening tool in order to support the strategic idea. But let's be honest, we don't have that information each time. So as a creative, our job is to solve problems and to find solutions. That's why we get paid. So, we have to overcome that situation. One of a solution could be, putting ourselves in the situation of the audience. Sometimes, litteraly. Because we need that state to trully & deeply understand the target audience, and get the right insight. "Right" means actionable, marketable.
Let's take a look to another industry. In cinema, when an actor has to play the role of a homeless, he should be asked to experience it in real life. So the actor can understand what means to be trully in that kind of situation: “being a homeless”. It's a kind of commitment to the role, to their audience, to people who will pay for watching the movie. It may sound extreme in our advertising world, but sometimes, it's the only & the best way to create an effective campaign. And surely, the client (the advertiser) will really appreciate that commitment.

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