Unilever planned to launch a new product, a soap powder specifically designed for baby’s sensitive skin.
How to stand out in a category where many other brands and products are there already? As a target shoppers, Moms have many other products to consider.
Creative Solution
In order to remind Moms about how an active baby could be and about how frequently the skin of a baby interacts with the world around, one of the best way to do it is actually, to show the world through baby’s eyes. So we decided to shoot part of the TVC from a baby’s POV.
For sure, Moms do know all of those things already. But what they aren’t aware is, clothes of baby play a crucial role, especially by its contact to the skin. The clothes can act like a protector (a second skin) or doing the opposite impact to the baby. We highlighted how a soft clothes can actually protect baby’s skin by showing baby in action and focusing on close-up shoots.
the job
Usually, when we shoot a TVC and use a Celeb, there’s a contract. This commitment is necessary because there’s a storyboard to follow, it’s what the client have validated. And for cost saving and budget reasons, we agreed about a time-frame. That’s the normal configuration. But when the main actor is a… baby, there’s still a contract. But, the baby doesn’t care that much about the given contract. He does what he wants. And if he doesn’t want to do something, if he’s tired or suddenly changes his mood, all the people have to adapt (the client included). So we need to be ready at any moment, being ready to shoot other scenes with the stand-in baby for scenes where only its back is showed. As you may know, some Celebs are very demanding. But working with a baby… is another story.
However, against all odds, the baby started to build a kind of relationship with some staff of the Production House, helping to make shoots done. So some guys moved from a position of “Responsible for the lighting” to “Responsible for the Well Being of the Baby”.
Behind the scene
The Film Director didn’t said “Action”. But the baby started (anyway). Each one has his own focus point.
When everyone needs the baby to look at the camera, but non surprisingly he prefers to play with its toys.
In a mood to play.
In life, sometimes you have to be able to handle many jobs at the same time: being responsible about the lighting and playing with a baby.
(tentative of) Framing a baby. The Film Director was very brave and persevering.
Only a part of the staff. In total, around 50 people for the main actor: a baby.
Agency: Reach
Creative Directors: Khanh Nguyen & mynkao
Art Director: Viet
Planner: Tam
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