A digital marketing platform for brands, I’ve created
People mainly used Explorer in order to surf on the internet. Each brand had a website, displayed information in a rectangle shape (the browser window).
It was a boring time. There were no real differentiation from a Brand to another in the way they displayed information and connected to their audience for giving exclusive content. So how to make something different? Something that excites both the audience and the Brands? It was a period just before the beginning of “smart phone massive adoption” by the public.
What is it?
Technically, it’s an app (widget) running on MacOS, Windows, Windows Pocket PC and Linux . It’s connected to the internet, formatted with a mini screen that broadcasts content.
For what?
From a marketing POV, the objective is to build relationship between a Brand and their ambassadors, by broadcasting and sharing exclusive content. The app is designed to build brand loyalty.
For who?
There are 2 kinds of users:
• The Marketers, the Brand Managers.
• The Ambassadors, the Influencers, the KOLs.
How it works?
In order to reach a huge amount of people, the tactic is to reach the influencers’ audience. So the KOL will spread out the Brand message through their own voice.
Customisable Look & Feel
What ever the Brand or its Products look like, the look & feel of the app is fully customizable. However, some adjustments might be needed in order to integrate visually the mini-screen. The app stays on top, over the other apps.
Customization of the S.n.o.w for Brands
S.n.o.w les 3 vallees
S.n.o.w Slim-Data
S.n.o.w Courchevel
A customized S.n.o.w for each Brand. …
R&D, Concept, Naming, Branding (logo, website & brochure), Ux & Ui, Business development, Investment
Content Management System
Each S.n.o.w goes with its CMS.
Administration tool
One of the things that defines digital is the measurement. Each touch point of the app is measured, so as Brand, you know exactly what your audience likes to watch or interact with.
market research, branding, business model
To find a name for a product is not the easiest part, but it’s exciting. The name needs to be memorable and makes sense for both audience and product owners. Usually, when it comes to find a product name, the time-frame is short. The name plays a crucial role in the business strategy. There’s no secret, a suitable name needs time to be found. When you get it, you know it.
As a starting point, from the name we should be able to build a universe around the product in term of communication, marketing and merchandising. What it means is, as product owners, we should be able to talk about the product through a story that resonates to people. People will understand more easily a product which the branding is based on stuff they already familiar with.
Product is about virality. So it’s about the snow ball Fx. Product is also about mini apps (object) that people exchange through the internet.
Communication Material
Lesson learned
from that experience
As an entrepreneur and product creator, we might have a tendency to create what we like. I think many of us fall in this case. But at the end of the day, we don’t create and develop a product for ourselves. I do it for others, for end-consumers. So even some requests might seems insignificant and absurd to us, it’s what the end-consumer wants… So if I had a time-machine, I would listen more to those requests. At the same, I don’t think we have to say “yes” to all requests. The product has to keep its philosophy, its “soul” I would say. So like in life, the challenge is to find the right balance. In this case, it’s the right balance between our vision and what the end-users’ wish.
Agency: Matière Première
UX Designer: Adrien
Developpers: Raphael & Sebastien
Marketer: Benjamin
Product Designer & Art Director: mynkao