question 05

photo credit: thank to for their beautiful photos (and to their generous community of photographers)

It's all about having our own vision, an opinion. Doesn't matter if our vision is correct or not. Nobody knows. It's a game, it's simply having a private conversation with our own mind about where the advertising industry is going, about how technology changes the way we see the world nowadays.
Some people say, in 10 years, the landscape of social media will radically change. Nowadays, we all express ourselves through those social media platforms. See how fast everything has changed during the past decade. So in the next 10 years, we will probably not express "ourselves by ourselves" on social media anymore. But the "one" who will do it, could be our... AI. Today, our avatars on social media platforms indicate the way we project ourselves into the digital space today. But tomorrow, avatars will sound like being from the previous century because of AI(s).

It's an incredible & terrifying vision. A social media landscape where AI converses with… AI. At least, it's a point of view. What's yours?

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