question 02

photo credit: thank to for their beautiful photos (and to their generous community of photographers)

I can't sleep yet. It's late already, we are in our room, more precisely, on our bed. Our eyes are closed, but our mind still work. It's like we don't control it. We know we have to sleep because tomorrow, we have to work. But we can't sleep because something makes us awake. It's not a voice, it's the need to do something (can be writing, drawing, sculpting, coding, whatever). If we don't stand up and don't do it, we will not be able to fall in sleep. And chances are, if we do it, we will create all the night until dawn. That thing is called passion.
It's something we used to doing (even we don’t get pay for that) and something that drives us. During the working days (sometimes during the week-end) we work already as creative, so it could be enough. But if we want to stay on the top, we should keep doing personal works.
Creating during night, is like a creative refuge. Sometimes we "fall" into the flow state, which is an amazing experience. We are in an extreme focus state. Nothing matters anymore, time & space don't exist anymore and we even don't feel if we are hungry or not.
Creating during the night allows us to escape from the noise (from notifications) and allows us to be closer to our art. Best time ever to craft our art.
It's an intimate moment we should keep for ourselves as a creative.

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