hack 03
There's no one more fragile than a creative, nothing more vulnerable than an idea. There's that inner voice within us, but in fact that voice says nothing. It gives us a feeling, the feeling of fear. And the best part is, obviously that inner voice comes from ourselves. There's no one else around us (no one). So the good news is the only guy we have to face to, is ourselves. So first thing first, we should trust ourselves, gain confidence, transcend limitation and get stronger.
The second is, in the professional life (and the personal life as well), the more we are afraid of doing something, the more it means we must achieve it. Because it shows us exactly what we should do. In this case, this is not an inner voice, but a message.
Sometimes, in a brainstorming session, there are "those people around" and we have an idea. We don't dare to speak up because of the fear of being ridiculous. It may probably be more ridiculous to keep silence. No need to censure ourselves. The purpose of an idea is to be shared with the world, then we can bring it to life. The duty of a creative, is to say what his guts say.
So, let's switch our mindset from "I'm afraid" to "I dare" (to dare).