hack 01

photo credit: thank to unsplash.com for their beautiful photos (and to their generous community of photographers)

Most of the time, when we experiment with something, we don't know where we go (or even what we are doing). Sounds a bad thing, unprofessional. But the truth is in this digital age, in which everything changes very fast, transforms radically (disruption). Nobody knows. Client looks for something that can be rationalised, because in fact he looks for safety (if we were the client, we would act in the same way). The reality is, a testing campaign doesn't help. There's no need to test a campaign if our "guts trust" about the idea. There's still a room for some magic in the creative industry, I believe that.
Maybe, the beauty of unexpected thing lies in the experimentation.
Adverstising campaigns are like weather forecast. There's data, modelisations for many centuries. But at the end of the day, literally, they predicted it will be windy, and finally it's not. We all experienced that already. Sometimes, we think our idea, our advertising campaign would meet success, finally not (vice versa).  So let's experiment and take advantages of the learning lesson. There's no rule anymore. Agency, Client, God, nobody knows. Just-do-it.
As a creative, sometimes we may tend to replicate what we do, how we think, like a recipe. It's the easiest & comfortable way to create (we are human being after all). In a short term, it's quite cool, no effort is required, reward is immediate. But in a long run, it's another story.
Experimentation & creativity take courage. Reinventing ourselves on a daily basis, redefining what the convention is every day, aren't something easily be done. That's why the agency pays us.
So, let's switch our mindset from "I replicate" to "I experiment" new things and taking risks.

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